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Reek Elementary School Awarded $2,400
EEF Grant for a Hydroponic Laboratory

On Wednesday, February 28, Environmental Education Foundation (EEF) President Bill Thompson presented a $2,400 EEF grant award to Principal Tami Martin and middle school teachers - Tarri Cesar and Amanda Books- to create a hydroponic gardening laboratory for Reek School students.

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“It is a dream come true!”  That was the reaction of Tarri Cesar, science teacher at Reek Elementary to the newest additions to the school’s science lab.  This dream was realized through the creative work of Cesar and social studies teacher, Amanda Books.

Principal Tami Marting, EEF Pres Bill Thompson, teachers Tarri Cesar & Amanda Books - Chec

Amaya Kundert showing off hydroponically grown plant

Elyse Hartwig and Danielle Carlson testing water samples

EEF President Bill Thompson presents the grant award to Principal Tami Martin (left) and teachers Tarri Ceasar and Amanda Books

The students in a combined seventh and eighth grade class showed off some of the equipment and the hands-on experiences their new course will provide.  Science teacher Tarri Cesar explained that this grant will allow the school to create a new learning opportunity, “The mission of this project is to provide a hands-on learning experience that educates children on the real-world challenges and solutions of sustainable agriculture and sustainable living. Students will evaluate soil and water conditions while growing produce in hydroponic systems.” 


According to Principal Tami Martin, “These grant funds will be used in a 12-week hybrid course in Media, Environmental Science, and Agriculture (MESA) that will offer Reek students an opportunity to dive into real-world problems and work towards solutions in sustainability.”   Students will be making video "blogs" throughout the process. From studying soil, monitoring nutrients, germinating seeds, adjusting lighting needs, and harvesting plants - students will create video diaries about their experiences. They will learn how hydroponic systems are more sustainable than other growing methods and share that information with the rest of the Reek School community.

EEF Board Member Barry Mess & Nathan Polyock and Johnny Urlakis doing soil testing

Elysa Hardwit, Board Member Carol Zimmermann, and Danielle Carlson - testing water samples

Elysa Hartwid, Danielle Carlson - Kristen Freytag (EEF Board) Jaxson Beetstra - testing wa

Schools, governmental agencies, and non-profits organizations are eligible to apply for grants.

The mission of the funding is to inspire and equip students to aspire to careers in environmentally related fields.

Grants range from around $1,000 to a maximum of $5,000.

Students Elysa Hartwid, Danielle Carloon, and Jaxson Beetstra show water sampling test to EEF Board Member Kristen Freytag

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